Daniel Krajcik
(26.04.2012, 00:54)
4th AS - Golden Pigeon Race in Perea – Thessaloniki (Grécko)
• 120 km N. PERAMOS
• 155 km KERAMOTI
• 210 km KOMOTINI
• 21 / 7 - 290 km SOUFLI
• 28 / 7 - 440 km BOURGKAS (BULGARIA)
Ocenenie finálového preteku:
• For the 1st pigeon 2500 euro cup and diplom
• For the 2nd pigeon 1000 euro cup and diplom
• For the 3rd pigeon 800 euro cup and diplom
• For the 4th pigeon 300 euro cup and diplom
• For the 5th pigeon 200 euro cup and diplom
• For the 6th - 10th pigeon 100 euro & diplom
• For the 11th - 20th pigeon 80 euro & diplom
• For the 21th - 30th pigeon diplom a 1 voľný vstup pre 1 holuba pre sezónu 2013
Eso holub::
• For the 1st pigeon 300 euro cup and diplom
• For the 2nd pigeon 200 euro cup and diplom
• For the 3rd pigeon 100 euro cup and diplom
• For the 4th – 10th pigeon diplom and 1 free pigeon for 2013 season
Súťaž družstiev (nie je povinná, iba voliteľná - pri úhrade 100€ za 3 členný tím):
• For the 1st 45% of the amount, cup and diplom
• For the 2nd 25% of the amount, cup and diplom
• For the 3rd 15% of the amount, cup and diplom
• For the 4th 10% of the amount diplom
• In the 5th 5% of the amount diplom
• For the 6th – 10th team diplom
Pre každého prvého holuba z každej krajiny – pohár a diplom
Poplatok: 35 EUR pri zaslaní 5 ks je 1 holub zdarma, plus doprava 10 EUR/kus.
Prosim o nahlasenie potenc. zaujemcov a počtov holubov s ktorými sa chcete zúčastniť na môj email: d.krajcik@gmail.com alebo mobil 0907280336 NAJNESKôR DO NEDELE 29.4.2012.
V pripade zaujmu bude nutne holuby priviezt 2.-3.5.2012 na moju adresu.
P. Stefanescu - organizator zberu holubov pre tuto testovacku - sa objavi na Slovensku 3.-4.5.2012 (termin sa este upresni).
viac info: http://www.aspigeons.com/